Services provided to businesses or other organisations, designed to help improve profitability.

We will carryout a SWOT analysis of your business, analysing its strengths, weaknesses, and threats of a business and help managers identify areas of opportunities and recommend improvement where necessary.
Our planning process helps you focus on capitalising on those opportunities and minimising problems to help make your organisation more efficient and profitable.
We help assess the skills of the organisation’s employees to enable better utilisation of their skills.
We develop job descriptions for each position or review existing descriptions then match employees’ skills to the needed tasks and positions.
We look at the relationship between management and personnel and help develop clear lines of communication, responsibility, and delegation. We also help management determine current and future staffing needs and provide methods for selecting qualified employees.
We make recommendations for improving profitability and cash flow and provide tax planning services. We guide management through the process of strategic planning with measurements for tracking results which are intended to lead to long term improvements.
Finally, we help you implement the proposed procedures and processes developed for your organisation.
The Process:
- Our profit consultants meet with you and your managers to identify key areas of need.
- Together we analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges that face your business.
- Based on this analysis, together we prepare a plan that focuses on opportunities for running your organisation more effectively. Ideas for more efficient operation, better utilisation of employees’ skills, with a focus on increasing profitability, will be included in the plan.
- Following your review of the proposal, you select the initial challenges to be addressed. Our Professional will be available to help you implement the procedures, address opportunities, and meet your challenges.
- We will be available to continue the process with you with additional support based on your needs. We can meet at regular intervals or we can assist you on an as-needed basis. With either approach, we are available to help as needs arise.
For more information, contact us on 020 8343 3523
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Multiple Choice Accountancy is a fast growing accountancy practice.
Your Business Success is Our Mission!
Registered address Colton House, Princes Avenue, Finchley, London. N3 2DB